Thursday, September 22, 2022

5 weeks down?!

​Sophomore year is currently flying by, 5 weeks and 1 tournament already gone by. 

Tournament 1 for us was in Tulsa, Oklahoma- tough tough course but we had a good first showing and I shot an 83, 78 which was good enough for a T-38th, second in my team. 

Lots of new people, new classes and new dynamics to face but I won’t lie I feel like God has been working and showing himself in every aspect of my life. More and more I get overwhelmed with how blessed I am and  I’m intensely grateful for that. Church has been really good, back on the host team and caught up with all my favourite people :)

Lastly, we’re fundraising as a team so anyone who wants to sponsor us, the link is here below.

Big love from across the pond x

Sunday, August 28, 2022

Second Year Begins!

 We’re back for sophomore year, and I apologise for the slack on posts towards the end of lasts year but expect a lot of updates to come :) 

First week of lectures- done. First few days of team practice- done. Looking forward to the coming weeks preparing for our first tournament & settling back into the team in a new role as one of the older players. 

Today I went back to church for the first time with one of my friends, was amazing to see familiar faces and be welcomed back so warmly. 

It’s hawt as they say here, average of 37 degrees this week with some awesome thunderstorms last night. But no sunburn yet!!

Big love to everyone, I’ll be keeping this updated regularly and enjoy some pictures :) 

Thursday, February 3, 2022

Snow Days :)

We’ll it’s happened! 9 inches of snow from Tuesday Night through Wednesday, we’ve had 2 snow days off and it’s been a wonderland around campus. 

Enjoyed being in the snow & putting my thermals to the test but also the hot chocolate afterπŸ˜… 

Saturday, January 22, 2022

New Semester :)

​Back again! Week 2 of the new semester done and it’s hard to get my head around the fact I’ve already done half a year as a freshman! 

New classes to tackle, and pushing myself to get involved with the school newspaper too- my first article being in this upcoming weeks paper. 

Weather here is averaging below 0 everyday, so practice has been majority inside, but grateful to have a facility here on campus to work on my swing & short game staying sharp. 

Loving being with my friends and meeting new people still, especially at church. Elly and I are going to a dinner at church, put on to get to know people better and get more involved which I’m excited for. 

Loads of love across the pond and hopefully a great few months!


Sunday, November 14, 2021

Update :)

Week 14 here in Wichita- only 4 more till I’m home?! Time flies. 

Church today was a baptism service- we invited our friend Janine and it was amazing, such a moving service and just went to show to me that Gods family is everywhere and I’m in a great place to worship and praise him. 

With golf season finished for this semester, workouts have increased, weather’s getting colder and I’m finding myself in a routine that I enjoy day in day out. I have amazing friends who I’ve grown close to and continue to experience new things with. 

Thanksgiving is next week and I’ll be heading down to Winfield Kansas with one of my best friends and teammates, Elly. Excited and prepared to cringe at experiencing the epitome of American-ness!! 

Can’t wait to be home for almost a month in a short while. As always, lots of love and appreciation to everyone at home who supports and prays for me. 

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Media Day Pt2

Media Day Pt2!

Our team was in the studio and despite having only 1 tournament and a friendly match left, got our season pictures! Enjoy the very American shots and images to follow, and in true spirit.. Go Jets!! 

Thursday, October 14, 2021

Media Day Pt1

So Media Day (picture day) was Wednesday and it was so nice to be able to be with my whole team before our next tournament this coming Monday and bond.

I’ll have the official pictures up soon but these were our own- big love to these girls for being the kindest and most loving team I could’ve hoped for. 

Again, big love to everyone in Liverpool and beyond who support me as I go through this adventure. 

Beth :) 

Monday, October 4, 2021

Competition 3 - Grace Shin Invitational

So it's a return to Oklahoma for me this week, this time in Edmond, OK. I'm looking forward to competing with the team again. 

If you'd like to follow us with the leaderboard and individual scores, have a look at the link below!

Thanks for all the support! 

Saturday, September 18, 2021

First Month.. done!

One month in.. and I’ve not completely turned into a cowgirl yet! Lots of friends, school work, golf practice & tournaments already doing 2 states in 2 weeks (Oklahoma & Missouri) and hitting my tournament PB here with a 76 (+4) at Blue Springs Oklahoma. Been going to Life Church West here in Wichita with my a few of my teammates & friends, that’s been really encouraging. 

Got some highlight pictures here, crazy to think the first is when I stepped off the plane- seems like years ago!!  

Can’t thank everyone back in Liverpool enough for messages of support & encouragement, love and miss you all lots :) 

Monday, September 6, 2021

Competition 1 - Central Region Fall Preview

So after more than 4 hours driving, we arrived in Blue Springs, Missouri at the course that we are having our first competition of the year! Monday was practise time.. we were able to walk and play the course ahead of rounds on the next two days. The course is very hilly! The weather is slightly cooler than in Wichita, but it\"s still just over 30 degrees and hot! 
Competition scorecard & leaderboard
For anyone wanting to follow the competition and all its statistics, the following is a link to an external site (Golfstat). It follows each round of each and every one of the 100 players (!!!) with live scoring. You\"ll be able to see how well we are all doing! Look out for Newman!!

Go Jets!! ☺️🏌️‍♂️✈️

Saturday, September 4, 2021

August end / September start

Well it\"s been a busy couple of weeks here in Wichita! I have started classes and am getting on well with them... I\"ve declared my major, which is Philosophy, which I am excited about. I\"ve had loads of support from staff and fellow students, for which I\"m very grateful. Maths has always posed issues for me, so I was delighted to get 100% on my first assigned assessment! 😁

Golf news 
Our squad players have played three qualifying rounds of 18 holes this past week. Pictured at the top are all 5 of Newman\"s Freshmen this year, myself included! Overall, there are 8 squad players. We have a couple of competitions in the next two weeks, which all involve road trips and a few days away. We are only allowed to take 5 players to the comps, hence the qualifiers that Coach Torgerson has put in place. 
Happily, I have made it into the team for this week\"s tournament (over three days) in Blue Springs, Missouri. ☺️ This has been a really tough qualifying process, as each of the three rounds were played in 38 degree plus heat. I had only played 9 holes of the course (before the first round). And as daft as it may sound, golf conditions over here are so different. So I am made up to be representing Newman University next week. 
The competition scores can be followed online. I will post a link to the external site (golfstat website) so you can see how I do! 

It\"s been great to get to know many people over here. I\"ve settled really well, making some great friendships with some wonderful people. 
Today, I went to watch Newman\"s volleyball team play their latest fixture. It was great fun to see some fellow student athletes playing against another College, with Newman doing really well. 
Thanks for all the messages from home. It\"s lovely to know people are still thinking of me while I\"m having a great time here in Kansas. Very much appreciated! 

Thursday, August 19, 2021

Golf day #1

Played my first golf today since being in Kansas. It was at the course we have as our practise facilities, Reflection Ridge. I was happy with the way I played, scoring +2 through 9 holes 😁
Lovely to be out playing golf with the girls! First of many times hopefully! 

5 weeks down?!

​Sophomore year is currently flying by, 5 weeks and 1 tournament already gone by.  Tournament 1 for us was in Tulsa, Oklahoma- tough tough c...